Would you enjoy prosperity on a rainy day?

Would you enjoy prosperity on a rainy day?
Photo by Max Bender on Unsplash

As I stepped outside to take my youngest, Joy, to school, I noticed that it was raining. I went back inside to grab my running jacket, so I could jog after dropping Joy off at school.

Joy was exuberant about the rain. I was less so.

Joy recently commented that since I was born in Oregon and grew up with rain, I should be more excited about the rain. I told Joy that’s not been my experience. While I’ve learned to appreciate the rain, I don’t revel in it.

After dropping Joy off at school, I started walking to warm up for my jog. As I did so, I noticed the dramatic white flowers on the dogwood tree near our home. It was so dramatic I took a couple photos.

Rainy days often make photos more dramatic. The contrast and the lighting are often much better than when the sun is out in full force. The abundant light of the sun, while I love seeing it, makes other colors less dramatic.

Which has me pondering how a rainy-day fund can make our days brighter. If we put away a little bit of money into our savings account on a consistent basis, when the rain comes, we will be more prepared to enjoy the little things.

Image by Victoria_Regen from Pixabay

I’ve had a few recent experiences when my rainy-day fund came in handy.

When my car got a flat, I realized it was time for me to get new tires. After I did some comparison shopping online to find good prices on tires, I made an appointment and had new tires on my car Monday morning. My rainy-day fund allowed me to absorb the unexpected expense with cash.

Not long after that, when I was pulled over for going over the speed limit, I was able to pay for the legal expenses from my rainy-day fund. It was the first ticket I’ve received in decades and, hopefully, the last.

Finally, when I wanted to break my tendency of not spending money on myself, I used money from my rainy-day fund to buy a nice pair of dress shoes I’ve wanted.

Nobody wants to have to dip into their rainy-day fund due to an emergency – like new tires or a speeding ticket. I can dance a little easier in the rain knowing that the unexpected costs are covered with what I have on hand. Now, that I have some new shoes, now I can dance with style. If you’d like to build up your rainy-day fund, or add to it, be sure to check out this week’s resource.

Shine brightly!



Golden Nuggets

Golden Resource: Raining Prosperity – 65 ways to start building your rainy day fund today (Download PDF)

Golden Word: precipitate from Latin praecipitare “to throw or dive headlong; be hasty,” from prae “before, forth” (see pre-) + caput “head” Example: Her search for additional income precipitated the increase in her rainy-day fund.

Golden Quote: Sweet April showers do spring May flowers. – Thomas Tusser

Golden Speech: Stop trying so hard. Achieve more by doing less. | Author, Speaker, Researcher & Lecturer Bethany Butzer shares how to live life and achieve goals effectively and efficiently without over exertion. (Clip 15s)

Stop trying so hard. Achieve more by doing less. Bethany Butzer

Golden Statistic: A record 25% of people would accrue credit card debt to pay for a $1,000 emergency expense and pay it off over time. (Bankrate’s 2023 annual emergency savings report)

Golden Term: Mental fitness can be defined as having and maintaining a state of well-being and cultivating awareness of how we think, behave and feel. (BetterUp)

Golden Tip: Prepare for your next rainy day by making small, consistent deposits in both your emotional and financial bank accounts.

Golden Question: How much do you have in your rainy-day fund?

Stef Garvin has been fascinated by story, money, and architecture since xe was a small child. As the Abundance Architect xe brings those passions together to guide diverse, passionate, purposeful voices to a vision and realization of greater prosperity in their hearts and their pocketbooks.

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