How do you turn time off into more prosperity?

How do you turn time off into more prosperity?
Photo from

As I sit here in the heat of the day, I can’t help but feel the need to slow down and take a break. There’s something about the scorching sun that makes me yearn for the shade and a big pitcher of icy cold water. (Even with air conditioning a click away.)

So, here I am, reflecting on how to turn my time off into more prosperity.

In the past, I’ve found that taking time away from work not only enriches my life in a physical, energetic sense but also brings surprising financial benefits. But let’s face it, making time for relaxation doesn’t always come easily. How many times have I added more tasks to my to-do list instead of simply giving myself the permission to unwind?

I’ve been practicing meditation daily for years, and while it has helped me find moments of tranquility, there are still days when I find it all too easy to skip it, especially when life’s demands disrupt my normal routine. This summer has been filled with such moments.

But I’ve learned that amidst the heat and demands, it’s crucial to listen to my body and slow down. Just like a recent morning run through the River Arts District of Asheville, the sun’s intensity made my pace falter, but I kept going. Similarly, I may not be able to stop entirely from work, but I can find ways to take little breaks and moments of rejuvenation.

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

As I’ve explored the beauty of Asheville, a place that has served as an escape from the heat and labors of the day for centuries, I’ve realized the importance of finding balance in my life. I’ve sought solace in parks, enjoyed a few good books, and, most importantly, allowed myself to take it easier this summer.

Through this journey, I’ve discovered that taking breaks and refreshing myself is not a luxury; it’s a necessity for greater prosperity. These moments of rest enable me to step away from my normal patterns and give m1y mind the opportunity to reset. It’s in these brief respites that inspiration strikes, and I find myself more productive and creative when I do return to work.

So, dear messenger, as you embark on your journey to prosperity, I invite you to take a break yourself. Embrace the idea that prosperity can blossom from moments of relaxation. Whether it’s a short meditation, a walk in the park, or a few minutes of writing, give yourself the gift of rejuvenation. You might be surprised by the abundance that awaits you on the other side. πŸοΈπŸ’ΌπŸŒΊ

Shine Brightly!



P.s. Be sure to download Soul Refreshers: 9 Ways to Recharge Your Energy on Your Day Off

Golden Nuggets

Golden Resource: Soul Refreshers: 9 Ways to Recharge Your Energy on Your Day Off (Download PDF)

Golden Word: relax relax from Latin relaxare from re- “back” + laxare “loosen,” Example: After they made time to relax, the answer came easily.

Golden Quote: Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are. – Chinese Proverb

Golden Statistic: If you take 11 or more of your vacation days, you are more than 30% more likely to receive a raise. (Harvard Business Review)

Golden Question: How are you making time to relax?

Stef Garvin has been fascinated by story, money, and architecture since xe was a small child. As the Abundance Architect xe brings those passions together to guide diverse, passionate, purposeful voices to a vision and realization of greater prosperity in their hearts and their pocketbooks.

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