Are you ready for a recharge?

Are you ready for a recharge?

You may have noticed it’s been a little while since I sent out a Golden Nuggets newsletter. There’s a story there.

After the last newsletter I sent, Martha told me, “You put so much into these newsletters, sometimes it’s hard for me to digest it all.”

To make my newsletters valuable, I try to fill them with goodies. I enjoy the little things, the quotes, the statistics, the TED talks, etc.

Yesterday, I heard Shankar Vedantam, host of the Hidden Brain podcast, ask his guest, Anna Lembke, is there ever too much of a good thing. Lembke is the author of Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence.

The short answer is yes. There are times when there is too much of a good thing. Especially in our day when everything is super-sized, faster, and better. More. More. More.

It takes intention and mindfulness to pull back from the overwhelm.

Or, as happened to me in June, it can take a bout of depression, followed by laryngitis, a cold, and days in bed, when my mind and body were telling me to cut back. Simplify. Refocus.

Even in putting together today’s newsletter, I find myself drifting back into old habits of wanting more, more, more.

Sometimes, less is more.

Take time to recharge, so you can,

Shine Brightly!



P.s. Be sure to download Listen to the Call: 9 Gentle Whispers Encouraging a Restorative Break

Golden Nuggets

Golden Resource: Listen to the Call 9 Gentle Whispers Encouraging a Restorative Break (Download PDF)

Golden Word: sabbatical from Greek sabbatikos “of the Sabbath,” from Hebrew shabath “he rested” Example: After pouring herself into her work, she wisely took a sabbatical to recharge her mind and body.

Golden Quote: In this game, everyone needs a break to refuel, recharge, and jump back in full throttle. – Helen Edwards, author

Golden Statistic: Some 59% of workers are now at least moderately burned out. (Aflac study as reported in Time Magazine)

Golden Tip: Check your energy levels regularly.

Golden Question: Is it time you took a break?

Stef Garvin has been fascinated by story, money, and architecture since xe was a small child. As the Abundance Architect xe brings those passions together to guide diverse, passionate, purposeful voices to a vision and realization of greater prosperity in their hearts and their pocketbooks.

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