What do you want to create in 2023?

What do you want to create in 2023?

The ball has fallen. The calendar page has turned. We’ve entered a new year.

It could be a time for change. It could simply be new numbers we have to remember when we’re writing the date. (I’ve already written 2022 when I meant 2023 several times this year.)

I’m one of those people who see the New Year as a time for change. Last year, my focus word was Courage. What a year that created!

This year my focus word is Present.

With all that happened last year, part of me is worried about what my focus word will bring this year. (Overall, 2022 was a very prosperous year!)

Another part of me is excited about the possibilities to present new ideas and new creations. I want to be more present in the moment, and I want to be open to receiving and giving more presents.

This year could be a remarkable year!

But there’s still part of me that feels a tinge of anxiety about how things will turn out. It’s not unlike when I sit down to write on the blank screen. I usually start with only a vague idea of what I’m going to write. After writing 750 words a day for 3,316 days since I first began back in 2013, I still approach the blank screen with a familiar tinge of anxiety.

Will today’s writing reveal something wonderful? Or will today be the day when it all falls apart and my writing reveals once and for all that I have nothing worthwhile to say.

What I have learned from each time I’ve sat down to write, is that there are moments when I don’t know what to say. There are also moments when the clouds clear, and I gain insights that I’d not seen before.

It’s enough to keep me continue my daily writing practice. In the end, it always turns out that I’ve profited from the day’s effort.

As I begin 2023, with my focus word of Present, I am also drawing upon what I’ve learned from my review of 2022. I want to keep writing, keep creating, and keep putting myself out there. I also want to continue to improve my relationship with money and abundance. Perhaps most importantly, I want to help more of you on your journey through the creative wilderness and the financial forest. It’s going to be a great adventure!

Shine brightly!


Golden Word: commence from Latin com “with, together” (see com-) + initiare “to initiate,” from initium “a beginning,” Example: Let’s commence creating a wonderful year together.

Golden Quote: There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living. – Nelson Mandela

Golden Speech: How to Achieve Your Most Ambitious Goals (Full, 17:52 | Clip, 20 sec) Stephen Duneier explains that what truly defines him aren’t titles, but an approach to decision making that transformed him from someone who struggled with simple tasks to a guy who is continuously achieving even his most ambitious dreams.

Golden Statistic: The number one resolution for 2023 is to exercise more. Followed by eating healthier, losing weight, and saving money. (Statista)

Golden Term: Opening the books. After last year’s accounting books are closed, a new set is opened.

Golden Tip: Know how you create value. Chart your year accordingly.

Golden Question: What are you creating in 2023?

Stef Garvin has been fascinated by story, money, and architecture since xe was a small child. As the Abundance Architect xe brings those passions together to guide diverse, passionate, purposeful voices to a vision and realization of greater prosperity in their hearts and their pocketbooks.

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