Staying on the Road to Success

When I worked as a salesperson traveling the backroads of Utah, the focus for each day’s journey was discovering and filling the needs of my clients.

Clients included everyone from colleges and hospitals to mom-and-pop stores.

Whether my journey was successful or not, depended on making the sale. It also depended on how well I kept my eye on the dashboard.

Running out of gas in the middle of Utah might mean a long walk to the nearest gas station. There were times when I took my eye off the dashboard and focused on reaching my next destination. Usually, that worked out.

There were a couple times, though, when the tank hit empty, and I found myself hoofing it to the nearest gas station miles away.

Fast forward many years, and miles later, past my exit from a sales career, and my entrance into the world of accounting. My focus shifted from the next sale to keeping an eye on the dashboards of the business.

I gained an appreciation for what those gauges on the business dashboard could tell me. Would the business run out of fuel? Were we using our resources wisely? Would our sales volume meet target?

Years ago, different metrics guided my journey through the backroads of Utah. Today, keeping an eye on the metrics as a solopreneur can make the difference in completing a successful journey. If I lose track of the gauges, I may find myself stranded on the side of the road with my hood up.

What measures are you using to ensure your journey is successful?

Stef Garvin has been fascinated by story, money, and architecture since xe was a small child. As the Abundance Architect xe brings those passions together to guide diverse, passionate, purposeful voices to a vision and realization of greater prosperity in their hearts and their pocketbooks.

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