How do you respond when things simply aren’t going as well as you liked? If your start to 2023 is anything like mine, you’ve had some highs and you’ve had ...
There was a time when I took great pride and satisfaction in my relationship with money. I worked as a corporate accountant while getting my master’s degree in accounting. Then ...
A word warrior then isn’t seeking to conquer and invade and oppress. A word warrior is seeking, inquiring. They are led forward by a question. A quest.
Armed with this ...
In this episode of Stories of Gold, I talk with author, coach, and course creator, Cheri Merz. Cheri’s mission is to help anyone who wants their message to land with ...
A friend of mine expressed her appreciation for the stories I share in my Facebook Lives and added, “Stories connect with our family. They help us know who we are, ...
This morning I awoke with remnants of a dream lingering in my semi-awake state. A darkness was spreading across the land. It reminded me of the movie, The Neverending Story, ...
One evening an old Cherokee told her granddaughter, “There are two wolves fighting inside you. One wolf is kind and has your best interest at heart. The other wolf is ...